August 5, 2020
So, today we’re gonna be talking about one of the most challenging courses for nursing students, Medical Surgical (or Med Surg since the medical and nursing fields abbreviate everything.) It’s not just the content it’s the sheer amount of content that you’re expected to learn in a short period of time in addition to all the other classes, clinical, work, and family…. It can be overwhelming especially if you don’t know what and how to study.
At the start of every semester I walk my students through this 11 step process that I developed when I was in nursing school. Not only did it reduce my reading time but I was in the top 5% of my class which was no small feat considering I was a single mom working full time night shift.
In my seven years of teaching I’ve never had a student that followed this process fail theory. Now, I’m not gonna lie. It’s work. But, if you put in the time and effort it’s definitely easier than spending 40 hours reading the material for one class and way better than failing.
To get the free resource guide, go to
Have a great week and keep working on your dreams!